Horse-drawn Carriage Rides in Fuschl am See

A carriage ride through the stunning countryside of Salzburg

You should take time to explore the natural beauty of the Salzkammergut Lake District at your own pace. And what better way to do that than by horse-drawn carriage. The faithful horses will take you to the most beautiful spots in and around the village in Salzburg County, just sit back and relax in the charming and comfortable carriages and watch the world go by. The carriage ride will take you out of the village of Fuschl am See, through lush meadows into the Ellmau Valley and then through the woods to the Old Ruming Mill. The horses are placid and gentle and particularly popular with children. A horse-drawn carriage ride through the lovely Salzkammergut countryside in Salzburg Province is a wonderful experience for the whole family. Simply ask us and we will arrange the ride for you.

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Ihre Familie Böhning
Tel: +43 (0) 6226 8405